

  • Inneal deuchainn Tensing 1000Kn Steel Reper

    Inneal deuchainn Tensing 1000Kn Steel Reper

    Product Description Electro-Hydraulic Servo /Microcomputer Universal Testing Machine WAW series electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine is based on GB/T16826-2008 “electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine,” JJG1063- 2010″electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine,” GB/T228.1-2010 “metallic materials – method of tensile deuchainn aig teòthachd an t-seòmair ". Is e inneal deuchainn stuth cruth ùr a th 'ann a leasaich agus m ...
  • Inneal deuchainn làidir àrd-inbhe
  • Inneal deuchainn stuthan uile-choitcheann
  • Ceumeal stàilinn lann-lann a 'ciùradh tanca amar uisge

    Ceumeal stàilinn lann-lann a 'ciùradh tanca amar uisge

    CEISTEAN STEE STAST LASTY HANTER A 'GABHAIL A-STEACH BEACHD Uidheam Uisge Tank: 1. Uidheam ciùrachaidh àbhaisteach airson blocaichean deuchainn saimeant. 2. A new generation of constant temperature curing equipment developed in accordance with ISO international inspection standards and based on foreign related technologies, featuring temperature display, control, compensation heating, and high-precision detection. 3. Faodar clàran dàta a shàbhaladh airson deich bliadhna. 4. Faodar an toradh a dhèanamh a-steach do shia-clèitheach trì-fhillte ...


    YSC-306 stainless steel laboratory cement curing bath This product performs water curing on the cement sample according to the requirements of GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 to ensure that the sample is cured within the temperature range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. Faodaidh an seòrsa YSC-306 agus YSC- type 309 coinneachadh ri diofar lethbhric de dhlùthadh luchd-cleachdaidh: 120% de bhlocaichean deuchainn 40x 20. 540 ...
  • YSC-306L Tuidivert Cased saothrachadh saothrachadh stàilinn

    YSC-306L Tuidivert Cased saothrachadh saothrachadh stàilinn

    YSC-306L intelligent stainless steel cement curing water tank The product is water-cured according to the requirements of the national standards GB / T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 to ensure that the specimen is cured within the temperature range of 20 ℃ ± 1 ℃. Smachd teòthachd neo-eisimeileach gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an teòthachd an uisge èideadh gun a bhith a 'cur bacadh air a chèile. Tha prìomh bhuidheann an toraidh seo air a dhèanamh de 304 stàilinn gun stain, agus tha an rianadair prògramaichte air a chleachdadh airson cruinneachadh dàta ...
  • YSc-309 saimean stàilinn stainled a 'ciùradh tanca uisge

    YSc-309 saimean stàilinn stainled a 'ciùradh tanca uisge

    YSC-309 stainless steel cement curing water tank This product will conduct water curing for cement specimen in conformity with international standards GB/T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 and can ensure that the curing of the specimen is performed within the temperature range of 20°C±1C. This product is made of stainless steel and microcomputer is adopted to display the control.It is characterized by artistic appearance and easy operation. Paramadairean teignigeach: 1. Solar cumhachd: AC220V ± 10% 2. Leabhar ...
  • Cemadh-lann a 'ciùradh tanca uisge

    Cemadh-lann a 'ciùradh tanca uisge

    laboratory cement curing tank This product will conduct water curing for cement specimen in conformity with international standards GB/T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 and can ensure that the curing of the specimen is performed within the temperature scope of 20°C±1C.This product is made of stainless steel and microcomputer is adopted to display the control.It is characterized by artistic appearance and easy operation. Paramadairean teignigeach: solar 1.Power: AC220V ± 10% 2.volume: Tionndadh 40 × 40 × 400:
  • Ceuman stàilinn YSC-104 Stare gun stad a 'ciùradh bragail

    Ceuman stàilinn YSC-104 Stare gun stad a 'ciùradh bragail

    YSC-104 stainless steel cement curing trough This product will conduct water curing for cement specimen in conformity with international standards GB/T17671-1999 and ISO679-1999 and can ensure that the curing of the specimen is performed within the temperature scope of 20°C±1C.This product is made of stainless steel and microcomputer is adopted to display the control.It is characterized by coltas ealanta agus obrachadh furasta. Paramadairean teignigeach: solar 1.power solar: AC220V ± 10% 2 ....
  • Ceum muffle muffle àrd 1600

    Ceum muffle muffle àrd 1600

    High Temperature Laboratory Muffle Oven 1600 Degree Uses:Box-type resistance furnace designed for chemical element analysis, and small pieces of steel hardening, annealing, tempering, and other high temperature heat treatment in laboratories of industrial and mining enterprises, universities, research institutes; Faodar cuideachd a chleachdadh cuideachd airson a bhith a 'creach de mheatailt meatailt, clach, ceirmeach, sgaoileadh sgaoileadh air teasachadh àrd-teòthachd. Feartan: 1. Dealbhadh dorais gun samhail, sàbhailte agus doras furasta ...
  • Bùird crathaidh airson molltairean cruadhtan

    Bùird crathaidh airson molltairean cruadhtan

    Bùird crathaidh airson cruadhtan

Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e